
This article examines the state of implementation and compliance with generally recognized legal principles and norms of international law in the field of fundamental human rights 
 © Корж І.Ф., 2023
 and freedoms in Ukraine. It is noted that human rights should be understood as the defining principles of a person’s legal status, which belong to them from birth, are natural and inalienable, without which a person cannot exist as a full-fledged social being, and therefore they are a necessary element of citizens, society and the rule of law. The concept of human rights is based on two basic values – human dignity and equality. Human rights are defined and formalized primarily by international law, which includes a number of basic international legal acts, such as: Universal Declaration of Human Rights; European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its protocols; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Ukraine, which noted its further development in the direction of integration into the EU, formalized the rights of its citizens in the Constitution adopted in 1996, which enshrines a whole series of both traditional and new guarantees of human and citizen rights and freedoms, which allow each citizen to choose the type of his behavior, to use economic and socio-political freedoms and social benefits both in personal and public interests. It is emphasized that the establishment of human rights in Ukraine as the highest social value is complicated by a number of factors, which is mainly determined by the low legal culture of both the general public and civil servants and is confirmed by the fact that for many years Ukraine occupied one of the first places among the member states of the Council of Europe by the number of cases of violation of citizens’ rights that were pending in the European Court. This indicates the existing problems in the state regarding legal education, legal awareness, legal culture, etc. of citizens who are primarily in public authorities, and which manifests itself in the manifestation of corruption, as legal nihilism of citizens. This becomes particularly cynical during the period of fighting against Russian aggression, as evidenced by numerous reports in the mass media. Such manifestations of corruption scandals in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in civil-military administrations, in local self-government bodies, in other state bodies of the country testify to the presence of a deep political and legal crisis in the state administration bodies of the country, as a result of the lack of program documents on the implementation of state personnel policy, inactivity legal mechanisms to fight corruption. Even the Law of Ukraine “On De-Oligarchization” was subjected to devastating criticism not only from the Ukrainian public, but also from the “Western” community. Confirmation of the relevance and importance of the need to solve the problem of corruption in Ukraine is evidenced by the fact that our ally the USA put forward clear conditions for further support of Ukraine in its fight against aggression and aspiration to join the European Union. The future success of Ukraine depends on accelerating the pace of reforms that remain unimplemented and the immediate implementation of identified priority transformations in Ukraine.

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