
The article considers human rights activities as a phenomenon that constitutes an integral part of the legal society. It identifies problems of a theoretical and practical nature associated with difficulties in this area, caused by both the COVID-19 pandemic and other reasons. An attempt has been made to assess the legal and moral and ethical aspects of such a necessary activity at the present stage of the development of public relations, attention is paid to the position of international bodies regarding human rights activities, its goals and objectives. The importance and relevance of the topic is explained by the fact that, in the opinion of human rights defenders themselves, the entire system of human rights protection, created after one of the most terrible periods in modern world history, is going through a crisis at this historical stage, which is increasingly aggravated under the influence of numerous problems of political and economic nature. Military conflicts, migration, a pandemic clearly demonstrate the obvious need to address the issue of the essence of human rights activities, including its moral and ethical component.

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