
This research aimed at analyzing exposure of global capitalism which undermines sense humanity in health services in Indonesia, explaining health care policy, and designing model of functional relationship among doctors, patients, and hospitals, based on human rights. This qualitative research used socio-legal approach. Primary and secondary data were collected by using observation, interviews, and documentation study. Data were analyzed through interactive data analysis process. It found sense of humanity in health services was undermined due to health market laws. Health care policy was a form of health development plan based on law principles which fulfill human rights of health, in terms of its functional relationship among doctors, patients, and hospitals, carried out by implementation of Pancasila, Leadership Trilogy of Ki Hajar Dewantara, Tri Dharma teachings of Mangkunegara I, KH. Ahmad Dahlan teachings, and teachings of Shiddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathonah, either by hospitals, doctors, and patients, on administrative, medical, or social services.Keywords: Capitalism, Health Legal Policy, Human Rights Dimension, Principles.

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