
Human Resource Management is truly necessary for an organization to meet its obligations towards its major stakeholders, shareholders, employees, and society. The variables that were used to assess the human resource management practices were career development, training and development, performance appraisal, rewards and compensation, and health and safety. All variables showed an acceptable quality result which indicates the employees agree that SIDC employs effective human resource management practices. The respondents in terms of career development terms of career development got a weighted mean of 1.45 which is verbally interpreted as strongly agree. Training and development got a weighted mean of 1.59 and performance appraisal also got a weighted mean of 1.80 both variables are verbally interpreted as agree. Next is rewards and compensation, which got a weighted mean of 1.43, and health and safety which got a weighted mean of 1.51 both are verbally interpreted as strongly agree. The assessment of the significant relationship between the respondent’s assessments in employee retention showed a positive strong relationship all variables have a P-value of 0.00 which is verbally interpreted as significant. A proposed extension activity was designed in order to further improve the human resource management practices and employee retention strategies of SIDC.

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