
The international training course on TB laboratory work for national tuberculosis program (NTP) has been conducted at the Research Institute of Tuberculosis since 1975 funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency in collaboration with WHO Western Pacific Regional Office. The aim of the course is to train key personnel in TB laboratory field for NTP in resource-limited countries. The course has trained 265 national key personnel in TB laboratory service from 57 resource-limited countries in the last 33 years. The number of participants trained may sound too small in the fight against the large TB problem in resource-limited countries. However, every participant is playing an important role as a core and catalyst for the TB control program in his/her own country when they were back home. The curriculum is composed of technical aspects on TB examination, mainly sputum microscopy in addition since microscopy service is provided at many centers that are deployed in a widely spread area, the managerial aspect of maintaining quality TB laboratory work at the field laboratory is another component of the curriculum. Effective teaching methods using materials such as artificial sputum, which is useful for panel slide preparation, and technical manuals with illustrations and pictures of training procedure have been developed through the experience of the course. These manuals are highly appreciated and widely used by the front line TB workers. The course has also contributed to the expansion of EQA (External Quality Assessment) system on AFB microscopy for the improvement of the quality of TB laboratory service of NTP. The course is well-known for not only having a long history, but also for its unique learning method emphasizing "Participatory Training", particularly for practicum sessions to master the skills on AFB microscopy. The method in learning AFB microscopy, which was developed by the course, was published as a training manual by IUATLD, RIT and USAID. As it is mentioned, the course has been contributing to human resource capacity building including management of laboratory service to improve NTP in the resource-limited countries. Currently, expansion of technology transfer on culture examination for drug susceptibility test has been attempted to the resource-limited countries due to the occurrence of MDR-TB (Multi drug-resistant tuberculosis) and XDR-TB (Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis) cases. However, since sputum smear examination is most effective method of detection of infectious TB, the writers believe it is still a core component of TB control, unless a new diagnostic tool that is practicable and effective in the resource-limited countries is developed. Therefore the course will keep focused on the smear examination as the basic curriculum. The course is highly appreciated by international experts and it is our responsibility to answer the expectation from them.

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