
One of a company's most important intangible assets is its human capital. Because a company’ssuccess or failure depends on how well its few physical resources are exploited by its human resources, a company’s failure to account for human resources and the changes that occur inside may present a misleading image of its performance. due to inconsistent in the literature, the study examine the relationship between human resource accounting and financial performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study used ex-postfacto research design as it entails the use of annual reports and accounts of listed Deposit Money Banks in the Nigerian Exchange Group. Secondary data were sourced from the banks’ financial report for the period of seven (7) years from 2015 to 2021. The dependent variable is Return on Assetsuse as a proxy of profitability, the independent variables are: Staff Cost, Directors’ Remunerations use as the proxy of human resource accounting. The study control for age and size.The descriptive statistics, correlation and regression statistical method of analysis are employedto test the nature, relationship and effect among the variables using Statistical Software (STATA v14). The result shows that HRA has significant effect on the financial performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. Thus, upon recommendation, workers should be retain to avoidunemployment, and company management should endeavor to send workers on training and development to accommodate the structural changes.

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