
The expansion of creativity or creative imagination, i.e. the creation and development of an imaginary world that anticipates and guides the planning and construction of the future, is the sure sign that the evolution of life has continued, and that human species is expressing its apogee. Imagination, the real proof that love and hope never die, as well as hatred and retaliation, is the immanent function of vitality; it it results, naturally, from the safe state of homaostasis with a supplement ofenergy that drives the being forward - protention. Alike the Higgs boson in quantum mechanics, mutual enchantment or bi-univocal repudiation in the interhuman encounter gives purpose and composes the plot to the deterministic flow of matter. In this way, out of the mass and energy in motion, sprouts - by the blow of the wing or of the genius of the human encounter, expressed in a smile or in a bite (the touch or the attack of souls) - the mentality: the story, the narrative, the fiction – which writes in an epic poem or in drama what the impulse, the desire and the ambition pre-figured in the dust of the road or in the mud of the marsh. And so, one goes from barbarism (zero sum, what one wins is what the other loses) to the culture (multiplication, both win and a third is created).

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