
C1q, a subunit of the first component (C1) of the classical complement pathway, and the pulmonary surfactant protein SP-A are structurally homologous molecules, each having an extended collagen-like domain contiguous with a non-collagenous domain. It is the collagen-like region of C1q that binds to mononuclear phagocytes and mediates the enhancement of phagocytosis of opsonized particles by these cells. Because SP-A enhances the endocytosis of phospholipids by alveolar type II cells and alveolar macrophages, we examined whether these two molecules were functionally interchangeable. The phagocytosis of sheep erythrocytes opsonized with IgG or with IgM and complement was enhanced by the adherence of monocytes or macrophages, respectively, to SP-A. The enhanced response was dependent on the concentration of SP-A used for coating the surfaces, similar to that seen when monocytes were adhered to C1q-coated surfaces. Both the percentage of cells ingesting the opsonized targets and the number of targets ingested per cell increased with increasing concentrations of SP-A. No such enhancement was seen with cells adhered to albumin, iron-saturated transferrin, or uncoated surfaces. However, SP-A did not substitute for C1q in the formation of hemolytically active C1. C1q did not stimulate lipid uptake by alveolar type II cells or alveolar macrophages and had only a slight inhibitory effect on the binding of SP-A to alveolar type II cells. Thus, these results suggested that a function which requires interactions of both the collagenous and the non-collagenous regions (i.e. initiation of the classic complement cascade) could not be mimicked by a protein sharing structural macromolecular similarity but lacking sequence homology in the non-collagen-like region. However, SP-A could substitute for C1q in stimulating a function previously shown to be mediated by the collagen-like domains of the C1q molecule.

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