
Cervical cancer occupies the second place, after breast cancer, regarding the types of cancer that affect women of fertile age (15-44 years old) in Romania. The resumption of the vac­ci­na­tion program in Romania is a success, but the vac­ci­na­tion rate is so low that Romania does not even ap­pear in international statistics. The example of Rwanda, which makes excellent use of community resources, offers us a new approach and, on the other hand, evidence emer­ging in recent years has shown that the one-dose vac­ci­na­tion sche­dule also offers a high degree of protection similar to established schedules. A more coherent and sustained in­volve­ment of all partners in the vaccination process is necessary to recover the lost start, and to be among the top countries in the finish line of the global strategy for the elimination of cervical cancer in 2030.

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