
Neural regulation of hepatic metabolism has long been recognized. However, the detailed afferent and efferent innervation of the human liver has not been systematically characterized. This is largely due to the liver's high lipid and pigment contents, causing false-negative (light scattering and absorption) and false-positive (autofluorescence) results in in-depth fluorescence imaging. Here, to avoid the artifacts in three-dimensional (3-D) liver neurohistology, we embed the bleached human liver in the high-refractive-index polymer for tissue clearing and antifade 3-D/Airyscan super-resolution imaging. Importantly, using the paired substance P (SP, sensory marker) and PGP9.5 (pan-neuronal marker) labeling, we detect the sensory nerves in the portal space, featuring the SP+ varicosities in the PGP9.5+ nerve bundles/fibers, confirming the afferent liver innervation. Also, using the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, sympathetic marker) labeling, we identify 1) condensed TH+ sympathetic nerves in the portal space, 2) extension of sympathetic nerves from the portal to the intralobular space, in which the TH+ nerve density is 2.6 ± 0.7-fold higher than that of the intralobular space in the human pancreas, and 3) the TH+ nerve fibers and varicosities contacting the ballooning cells, implicating potential sympathetic influence on hepatocytes with macrovesicular fatty change. Finally, using the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT, parasympathetic marker), PGP9.5, and CK19 (epithelial marker) labeling with panoramic-to-Airyscan super-resolution imaging, we detect and confirm the parasympathetic innervation of the septal bile duct. Overall, our labeling and 3-D/Airyscan imaging approach reveal the hepatic sensory (afferent) and sympathetic and parasympathetic (efferent) innervation, establishing a clinically related setting for high-resolution 3-D liver neurohistology.NEW & NOTEWORTHY We embed the human liver (vs. pancreas, positive control) in the high-refractive-index polymer for tissue clearing and antifade 3-D/Airyscan super-resolution neurohistology. The pancreas-liver comparison reveals: 1) sensory nerves in the hepatoportal space; 2) intralobular sympathetic innervation, including the nerve fibers and varicosities contacting the ballooning hepatocytes; and 3) parasympathetic innervation of the septal bile duct. Our results highlight the sensitivity and resolving power of 3-D/Airyscan super-resolution imaging in human liver neurohistology.

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