
The federal government supports a nationwide network of medical centers to evaluate promising therapies against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the opportunistic infections and cancers that characterize AIDS. Forty-five obstetricians from the 49 medical centers receiving federal research support for the conduct of AIDS-related clinical trials, in preparation for a meeting, provided summary information about the number and clinical status of the known HIV-infected pregnant women under their care and the prenatal screening policies for HIV infection at their institutions. In the 12-month period before December 1989, an estimated 1000-1801 HIV-infected women delivered at these centers. The majority (82%) were asymptomatic, 12% were symptomatic, and 6% had AIDS. Routine T-cell testing of infected women was done as part of prenatal care in only 30 of 45 centers. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was reported in 35 women. Zidovudine was administered during pregnancy in 29 women. Formal prenatal screening policies have been implemented at the majority (43 of 45) of the medical centers. Most of the infected women identified at these centers chose to continue the pregnancy. With the increasing incidence of HIV infection in women, information concerning the clinical and immunologic state of pregnant infected women and the present use of antiretroviral and other related therapeutics during pregnancy can guide the approach to women's health care and is crucial to the design and implementation of AIDS clinical trials.

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