
Rio Grande is a city located on a narrow industrialized and urbanized Brazilian peninsula, characterized by wetlands. Due to population growth, numerous urban backfilled regions were built to expand the territorial area of the city. Currently, more than 60% of the central area of the city comes from the grounding of wetlands. The material used for the expansion of the territory had a history of contamination from metals from the tannery and textile industries (mainly Hg) and urban solid waste. In addition to past sources, the city has an active industrial complex with fertilizer, petrochemical, and grain industries. This study evaluated the risks to human health caused by metals (Hg, Fe, Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in original soils and backfills, considering the oral, inhalation, and dermal routes of exposure for children and adults using the tool human health risk assessment (HHRA) proposed methodology by USEPA. A total of 63.81% of the original soil samples and 57.14% of the backfill soil samples showed a non-carcinogenic risk (HInc>1) for at least one evaluated metal. Still, approximately 10% of the samples presented carcinogenic risk when the Cr was considered in the hexavalent form. The dermal (Hg, Ni, and Cr) and oral (Fe, Cu, and Zn) exposure routes had the greatest contribution to the total risk. The non-carcinogenic risk for Hg, Cr(VI), and Pb was heterogeneously distributed between the original soils and backfills and associated with the proximity to some pollution sources. Given the complexity of historical occupation in the municipality and the increasing industrialization, both the original areas and the backfills should be included in the risk management strategy to minimize risks.

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