
Circadian rhythms, metabolism, and nutrition are closely linked.1 Timing of a three-meal daily feeding pattern synchronizes some human circadian rhythms.2 Despite animal data showing anticipation of food availability, linked to a food-entrainable oscillator,3 it is unknown whether human physiology predicts mealtimes and restricted food availability. In a controlled laboratory protocol, we tested the hypothesis that the human circadian system anticipates large meals. Twenty-four male participants undertook an 8-day laboratory study, with strict sleep-wake schedules, light-dark schedules, and food intake. For 6days, participants consumed either hourly small meals throughout the waking period or two large daily meals (7.5 and 14.5h after wake-up). All participants then undertook a 37-h constant routine. Interstitial glucose was measured every 15min throughout the protocol. Hunger was assessed hourly during waking periods. Saliva melatonin was measured in the constant routine. During the 6-day feeding pattern, both groups exhibited increasing glucose concentration early each morning. In the small meal group, glucose concentrations continued to increase across the day. However, in the large meal group, glucose concentrations decreased from 2h after waking until the first meal. Average 24-h glucose concentration did not differ between groups. In the constant routine, there was no difference in melatonin onset between groups, but antiphasic glucose rhythms were observed, with low glucose at the time of previous meals in the large meal group. Moreover, in the large meal group, constant routine hunger scores increased before the predicted meal times. These data support the existence of human food anticipation.

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