
This article discovers the meaning of textual conception of scientific writing (scientific language) for the creation and interpretation of human-geographical texts as material messages or a system of messages which meet the test of certain criteria and characteristics. The main criteria of textuality as intentionality, presence of a common code, informativeness and communication are presented. The authors shows the features of the text as integrity, connectivity, orderliness and membership of the internal organization, autonomy, complete or relative completeness and acceptability. The research found out main functions, principles, linguistic and style requirements for compiling human-geographical texts. The logical scheme of the conceptual-term system “hierarchy of the scientific text” is constructed and created of meanings such as setext, pretext (reason), mikrotext, makrotext, hypertext, megatext, supertext, unitext. The study shows the possibility of using of scientific writing for the analysis of human-geographical texts. The meaning of intertext, context and subtext for the content interpretation is characterized. The authors emphasize the importance of methodological procedures and principles of hermeneutics for the interpretation of scientific texts. The possibilities of philosophical concepts, modus and modality for assess of texts are disclosured. The research analyzes the following types of modalities of scientific texts as reality and hypotheticality, tradition and innovation, uniqueness and discussion, confidence and doubt. The importance of modal characteristics for the development of science is emphasized in particular changes of scientific paradigms. The research confirms the possibility of interpreting human-geographical texts as sign systems and cultural codes. The authors reveal the essence of narrative and discursive methods and content analysis of human-geographical texts. Key words: human-geographical text, sign system, hermeneutics, modus, modality, narrative method, discursive method, content analysis.

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