
Human genetic and genomic information (HGI) is being generated, utilized and accessed across a wide range of healthcare settings. While traditionally clinical genetics services have maintained guardianship and enforced rigid protections of human genetic information, this is no longer practical or feasible as genetic knowledge continues to evolve, expand and inform various aspects of healthcare. Today, many healthcare professionals of varied backgrounds and areas of expertise are looking to genetic and genomic information to screen and/or diagnose genetic conditions and to guide medical management and treatment options. This position statement provides guidance for all healthcare professionals who may be handling human genetic and/or genomic information as part of their practice and outlines considerations relevant to protection, storage, access and sharing of HGI in Australasia. Illustrative cases are used to highlight various sensitivities of genetic and genomic information and challenges these may pose in modern healthcare settings. In essence, this position statement seeks to highlight and advocate for both individual interests as well as the interests of the broader family network.

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