
of animal protein as well as for clothing, medicine, tools, ritual objects, symbols and companions (Ojasti and Dallmeier 2000). Worldwide studies on hunting have shown that the few species which are hunted specifically for food are not the only species significantly affected by hunting. Indeed, to most tropical forest hunters, game is essentially any terrestrial vertebrate encountered (Ruddle 1970; Vickers 1991). For rural hunters in tropical ecosystems mammals, especially ungulates, primates and rodents, are the most important in terms of biomass harvested (Robinson and Bodmer 1999). Bennett and Robinson (2000) note that, as well as providing meat, wildlife is also socially and culturally important. In addition, acquisition of animal trophies as cultural artefacts is common, either for personal adornment, or to increase individual status in the community. Furthermore, due to agricultural encroachment, wildlife species often become a threat to cultivated plants and domestic animals and are actively hunted (Bowland et

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