
As the global gaming industry continues to grow, so does the need for game design to be accessible to people with different physical and cognitive abilities. Therefore, it is necessary to take accessibility design into consideration when developing a game. By using the interactive model of accessibility game design, this review explains why players with disabilities are unable to fully enjoy playing video games while playing. It then analyzes challenges and solutions related to visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive accessibility to gain a comprehensive understanding of how these elements interact in the game environment. Using case studies, this article lists a few games with accessibility in mind and illustrates the usability techniques they use. However, the process of achieving accessible gaming comes with its own challenges. This article analyzes the technical, economic, and creative barriers that developers often encounter, and provides a series of recommendations for game developers to address these challenges. By championing accessibility, the gaming industry can ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can actively participate in video games.

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