
Contents: Introduction: Introduction. Human Factors In Operations: Development and implementation of a position hand-over checklist and best practice process for air traffic controllers, Laura Voller, Lucy Glasgow, Nicky Heath, Richard Kennedy and Richard Mason Runway safety, Kim M. Cardosi Human error in European air traffic management: from theory to practice, Anne Isaac, Paul Engelen and Martin Polman FAA strategies for reducing operational error causal factors, Julia Pounds and Anthony S. Ferrante Reducing separation in the open flight information region: insights into a human factors safety case, Barry Kirwan, Steven Shorrock, Richard Scaife and Paul Fearnside Distributed work in the national airspace system: providing feedback loops using the post-operations evaluation tool (POET), Philip J. Smith, Mark Klopfenstein, Joe Jezerinac and Amy Spencer. Human Factors and Human Resources: Human factors longitudinal study to support the improvement of air traffic controller training, Laura Voller and Abigail Fowler A singular success: air traffic control specialist selection 1981-1992, Dana Broach Implementation of critical incident stress management at German air navigation services, JA rg Leonhardt Team resource management in European air traffic control: results of a seven-year development and implementation program, Michiel Woldring, Dominique Van Damme, Ian Patterson and PatrA-cia Henriques Shiftwork and air traffic control: transitioning research results to the workforce, Pamela S. Della Rocco and Thomas E. Nesthus. Human Factors Methodologies: Measuring air traffic controller performance in the 21st century, Carol Manning and Earl Stein Computational human performance models and air traffic management, Kevin Corker Performance prediction in air traffic management: applying human error analysis approaches to new concepts, Steven Shorrock, Barry Kirwan and Ed Smith. Human Factors Integration Programs: The management of human factors programs in ATM a

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