
By examining Islamic evidence and sources, it becomes clear that there are two types of intrinsic or developmental dignity and value or acquired dignity in Islam. There are two general approaches regarding inherent dignity. Some believe that such dignity, which is the source of citizenship rights, cannot be used as evidence. On the other hand, a group believes that human dignity can be used. In the latter category, some consider inherent dignity to be fallible and some do not consider it to be fallible. Allameh Jafari, while accepting its inherent dignity, considered it fallible. The acquired dignity that is achieved by acquiring piety is the consensus of Islamic scholars. In the school of existentialism, it is divided into two types: atheistic and atheistic. In the atheist category, scholars like Marcel, emphasizing the freedom and free will of man, have believed in acquired dignity for human beings, with the explanation that it is man who acquires dignity for himself by his behavior. Islamic philosophy and divine existentialism are similar in some ways; including the priority of existence over nature, human agency and his inherent dignity.

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