
The Human-Centered Leadership model, which is relevant for leaders at all levels in a complex health care system, embraces change from the inside out. The Human-Centered Leader (HCL) is embedded in the organization, rather than positioned above it, and recognizes the expertise and value of those who serve at the point of care. The HCL starts with a focus on self-awareness, self-compassion, self-care, and mindfulness while focusing on others through demonstration of the characteristics of an Awakener, a Connector, and an Upholder. As an Awakener, the HCL grows and cultivates the team through the development of individual growth plans and staff empowerment in decision making. The result is a professionally prepared workforce that delivers market-leading patient outcomes. The HCL, as a Connector, builds the community in the microsystem by creating a healthy work environment. Finally, as an Upholder, the HCL recognizes the humanity in others and brings out the best in them. Demonstration of sincere care for those who care for patients results in improved staff satisfaction and, in turn, exceptional patient experience. The sustainable changes resulting from Human-Centered Leadership are realized through development of Cultures of Excellence, Trust, and Caring.

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