
The article is a continuation of the author’s previous attempts to investigate profound ties between history and psychology. The perspectives to enrich cognitive potential of modern historiography as well as possibilities to apply cognitive science achievements and, in particular, cognitive psychology, are being analysed in this study. Special attention is paid to so called “cognitive history”, peculiarity of its interpretation and scientific functioning in the paradigm of Information society. The concept of cognitive history, put forward by O. Medushevska is studied; the estimation of its informational goals and cognitive priorities is proposed. Steady growth of cognitive competition on global and national levels in the period of transition from biosphere to noosphere as well as epistemological topicality of classic approach of V. Vernadsky and P.T. de Chardin are stated here. The necessity to reconsider basic approaches of harmonizing biospheric processes with consideration of steady development requirements is accentuated and cognitive aspects of interaction between world and national history are outlined. The need to significantly strengthen the cognitive dimension of the general process of updating the theoretical and methodological tools of modern historiography as a key area of accumulation of historical experience is emphasized. The urgent need for a new historical and methodological reflection on the concept of empathy is emphasized both in the interests of productive research perception of historical reality and in order to adequately adapt to the challenges of noosphere civilization

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