
Close contact is a part of daily life, and proximity is known to play a primary role in the transmission of many respiratory infections. However, there are no data on close contact parameters such as movement of the head/body and relative location, which can affect both expiration and inspiration flows. Using video cameras, we collected such data for nearly 63000seconds of total close contact duration in a graduate student office in Beijing, China. Each student had on average 9.6 close contacts per hour and spent 9.9% of their time participating in close contact interactions. Males made more body/head movements than females during close contact. The probability distribution of interpersonal distance follows a log-normal distribution. The average interpersonal distance was 0.67m. Students preferred a relative face orientation angle between 15° and 45°. When the relative face orientation angle increased, the interpersonal distance increased. Students had a high probability (73%-97%) of maintaining their head, body, and relative position during close contact, while the probability of body/head or relative position changing from any location/angle to another is also given. These data may be used for assessment of infection risk via close contact in crowded indoor environments.

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