
Human age and gender prediction from facial images has garnered significant attention due to its importance in various applications. Traditional models struggle with large-scale variations in unfiltered images. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have emerged as effective tools for facial analysis due to their robust performance. This paper presents a novel CNN approach for robust age and gender classification using unconstrained real-world images. The CNN architecture includes convolution, pooling, and fully connected layers for feature extraction, dimension reduction, and mapping to output classes. Adience and UTKFace datasets were utilized, with the best training and testing accuracies achieved using an 80% training and 20% testing data split. Robust image pre-processing and data augmentation techniques were applied to handle dataset variations. The proposed approach outperformed existing methods, achieving age prediction accuracies of 86.42% and 81.96%, and gender prediction accuracies of 97.65% and 96.32% on the Adience and UTKFace datasets, respectively.

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