
Human acellular dermal matrix (ADM) is commonly usedin the surgical closure of soft tissue defects not amenable toprimary repair. Adipose-derived stem cell (ASC) therapy inthe context of soft tissue loss may enhance local micro-vascular density and wound healing [3]. The current studyaimed to determine whether ASCs adhere to ADM in vitroand whether stem cell–seeded ADM is a viable approachfor surgical application.Materials and MethodsIn accordance with the Tulane University InstitutionalReview Board, ASCs were isolated from discarded adiposetissue obtained at body-contouring procedures as described[5]. The ASCs were characterized by fluorescence-acti-vated cell sorting as previously described [1].Acellular dermal matrix 0.4 to 0.8 mm in thickness wasobtained (AlloDerm; LifeCell, Branchburg, NJ, USA, andFlexHD; MTF, Edison, NJ, USA). Passage 1 to 5 cellsuspensions in growth medium were seeded into multiwellplates covered with ADM, papillary dermis side facing up,at a density of 5 9 10

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