
Multifocal intraocular lenses (MF-IOL) are implanted for visual rehabilitation after cataract operation and refractive lens exchange (RLE). In this retrospective study, the frequency, causes and course of MF-IOL explantation are investigated. Private eye clinic, Cologne, Germany. Between 2009 and 2014, a total of 1438 eyes were supplied with a hydrophobic, aspherical, diffractive, multifocal posterior chamber lens (PCL) of type: Acrysof ReSTOR and ReSTOR toric, with near additions of + 2.5, + 3.0 and + 4.0 (Alcon, Fort Worth, USA). 78 % (n = 1116 eyes) were indicated because of a cataract and 22 % (n = 322 eyes) as RLE. All procedures were either performed by OK or GG, as ultrasound phacoemulsification under topical anaesthesia. Since 2013, a femtosecond laser (LensX, Alcon, Fort Worth the USA) has been used in some cases. Data analysis was performed with the help of the digital patient's recordings. In a total of 12 cases, the MF-IOL needed to be explanted. Causes for the explantation were strong deviations from the expected target refraction (4 eyes), epiretinal gliosis accompanied by surgically membrane peeling (2 eyes), optical discomfort (waxy vision, 4 eyes), unstable toric lens due to a vast zonulolysis (1 eye), and 5 years post-implantation glistening (1 eye). The overall frequency of MF-IOL explantationen was 0.83 %. The frequency of explantations due to specific optical side effects and discomfort was 0.28 %. In all cases, 12 months post MF-IOL explantation recovery was achieved to full visual acuity. Diffractive MF-IOL of the type Alcon Acrysof ReSTOR are generall very well accepted. In only 0.28 % of all cases, was an explantation performed on grounds of optical discomfort. In the other cases, the causes for explantation were not related to the optical geometry of the MF-IOL.

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