
Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis gen. et sp. nov. is the southernmost diagnostic basal hadrosauroid in the Americas. The holotype and referred material of this taxon came from Santonian strata in the Michoacán State, southwestern Mexico. Huehuecanauhtlus tiquichensis is diagnosed on the basis of a combination of dental, axial, and appendicular characters, including the following: at least two teeth exposed on the occlusal plane of the dentary and maxilla; seven sacral vertebrae; tall neural spines of caudal vertebrae; supraacetabular process long; and short and trapezoidal (in lateral view) postacetabular process. It differs from other hadrosauroids in having an ilium with extreme ventral deflection of the preacetabular process. Maximum parsimony cladistic analysis placed H. tiquichensis as a closely related outgroup to Hadrosauridae. The occurrence of H. tiquichensis in the Santonian of North America may be explained as a dispersal event from Asia to North America that occurred no later than the Albian or, alternatively, as a vicariant event of a most recent common ancestor widespread in both landmasses.

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