
<p><em>Analysis of the Correlation between Factors Influencing Farmers' Income to Change the Function of Rice Fields to Rubber in Nusaraya Village, Belitang III District, OKU Timur Regency. The purpose of this study is (1) to identify the process of land conversion to rubber plants. (2) Calculate how much farmers' income after the conversion of rice fields to rubber plants. (3) Analyzing the level of closeness of the income relationship of farmers after transferring the function of paddy fields to rubber trees on factors that affect income. The method used in this research is the case study method, with data analysis using the Spearman Rank Correlation. Based on the results of research that has been done, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Identification of the process of changing the function of paddy fields to rubber plants in Nusaraya Village, Belitang III District, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency is determined by the rubber price factor which is higher than the price of rice . (2) The average income of farmers who convert rice fields to rubber is higher because of the two commodities being cultivated, namely rice and rubber. (3) Factors that are highly correlated in influencing the income of the conversion of paddy fields to rubber plants, namely factors of income and amount of rubber production, income and area of rubber land, income and expenditure of farmers, amount of rice production and area of paddy land, amount of rubber production and rubber land area, the amount of rubber production and farmer expenditure, rubber land area and farmer expenditure, while the age of farmers and farmer education are very small correlated with farmers' income to change the function of rice fields to rubber plant.</em></p>

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