
The age of children under five is a very rapid growth and development process, so the children under five need adequate nutrient intake in more quantity and quality. The city of Yogyakarta has the smallest achievement in the Detection Growth and Development of children under five (DTKB) among other districts in DIY province, which is as 16.5%, lower than the achievement of DIY Province's DTKB of 25.4%, and the achievement target of 65%. Based on preliminary studies, The Kricak village has the highest incidence of stunting in the city of Yogyakarta as 26%, and also 23% of the children under five have developmental delays. To know the correlation between the stunting occurrence and the development for the children under five of 3-5 years in Posyandu Kricak. This research is a quantitative correlation with a cross sectional approach. The population in the study were 45 children under five aged 3-5 years, and the research sample was as 42 respondents which were determined by the purposive sampling method. The research instruments wasthe form of scales and metlines, and KPSP. The data analysis method was used a Chi-Square test. stunting occurrence for the children under five aged 3-5 years in the stunting category was 59.52%, and the development of the children under five aged 3-5 years was in the dubious category as 40.48%. There is a relationship between the stunting occurrence and the development of the children under
 five aged 3-5 years based on the value of X2 (14.263)> X2 (5.991) and the value of Sig.
 (0.001) <α (0.05).There is a relationship between the incidence of stunting and the development of children aged 3-5 years at the Kricak Posyandu.

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