
Jamu is a cultural heritage of Indonesia that needs to be preserved. Jamu is classified as traditional medicine which is widely used by the community as an alternative treatment, especially Magelang city’s. This study aims to show relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards the consumption habits of jamu in the community of Magelang. This research is included in a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional approach with random sampling techniques. Data were obtained by surveying through the distribution of questionnaires and analyzed using the chi-square test (X2) to see each effect of the level of knowledge or attitudes towards herbal consumption habits based on p-value, and logistic regression tests to see the OR (Odds Ratio). The level of knowledge and attitudes about herbal medicine has a significant influence on the consumption habits of herbs with p-values of 0.003 and 0,000 (0.005). Attitude is proven to have the highest chance to improve the consumption habits of routine herbal medicine (23,262x) compared to the level of knowledge (1,273x).


  • Jamu is a cultural heritage of Indonesia that needs to be preserved

  • This study aims to show relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards the consumption habits of jamu in the community of Magelang

  • Tradisional dalam Diskursus Stereotype Citra’, Jurnal Studi Kultural, I. 1., pp. 1–6

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PENDAHULUAN Jamu merupakan warisan budaya

Indonesia yang digunakan masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan atau membantu penyembuhan penyakit, dan termasuk dalam golongan obat tradisional (Aditama, 2014). Kebiasaan konsumsi jamu masih dilestarikan karena diyakini aman, tidak menimbulkan efek samping yang serius bila dibandingkan dengan obat kimia (Harmanto and Subroto, 2007). Sebesar 95,60% penduduk Indonesia yang mengkonsumsi jamu merasakan adanya manfaat terhadap tubuh (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2010). Beberapa faktor tersebut menyebabkan penurunan kepercayaan dan minat konsumsi jamu oleh masyarakat di Indonesia (Harmanto and Subroto, 2007). Opini tersebut muncul dapat disebabkan karena beberapa hal seperti tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap konsumsi jamu yang masih rendah. Berdasarkan pendekatan permasalahan di atas, serta mengingat belum banyaknya penelitian yang serupa, menarik minat peneliti untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kebiasaan konsumsi jamu di Kabupaten dan Kota Magelang

Kebiasaan Ya
Pengalaman Membaik minum jamu Sama saja
Tidak p*
Daftar Pustaka
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