
Anxiety is something that afflicts almost everyone at a certain time in his life. Anxiety is a normal reaction to a situation that is very pressing for one's life. Anxiety can arise alone or join with other symptoms of various emotional disorders (Savitri Ramaiah, 2003: 10). Based on the results of the preliminary study, it is known that there are still mothers who experience anxiety about facing labor in PEB pregnant women, which is 29%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between coping strategies and the anxiety of facing labor in PEB pregnant women at Syarifah Ambami Hospital Rato Ebhu Bangkalan. This research method is Analytical, while the research design uses cross sectional. Independent variables are coping strategies, and the dependent variable is anxiety. Population, namely all pregnant women with PEB as many as 33 pregnant women with an average of each month. Samples taken as many as 30 pregnant women with simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires and HARS scale were processed using cross tabulation and lambda statistical tests. From the results of the study, almost half of 45.8% of PEB pregnant women with mild anxiety with adaptive coping strategies were obtained. Based on the lambda statistical test, get pValue = 0.045 and a = 0.05. Thus the results obtained p = 0.045 <a = 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, namely there is a significant relationship between Coping and Anxiety Strategy in Facing Labor in PEB Pregnant Women at Syarifah Ambami Hospital Rato Ebhu Bangkalan. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for midwives that a high-risk pregnant woman also has excessive anxiety that can affect the delivery process. By doing so, health workers should be able to provide detailed information to pregnant women about the high risks they experience.

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