
purpose is to expedite the process of involution. Postpartum blues and self efficacy among the factors that affect the implementation of puerperal gymnastics. This study aimed to postpartum blues relationship, and self efficacy with the implementation of puerperal puerperal gymnastics in UPT PuskesmasLenteng. Design Cross-sectional study. Independent variables postpartum blues, self-efficacy and the dependent variable implementation of puerperal gymnastics on 31 respondents.The onemonth study period UPT PuskesmasLenteng.Totalnpopulasi sampling techniques.Instruments questionnaire. SPSS statistical test Chi-square α (0.05). Results of research most likely to experience postpartum blues (54.8%), most have a positive self-efficacy (58.1%), and most of the implementation of puerperal gymnastics is negative (61.3%). Statistical test results postpartum blues with the implementation of puerperal gymnastics obtained  value = 0,008 with a value of α = 0.05 and OR = 8.400, so  (0,008) <α (0.05), H0 is rejected means no relationship with postpartum blues implementation puerperal gymnastics , OR = 8.400 means 8.400 times postpartum blues gymnastics determine the implementation of parturition. Statistical test result with the implementation of self-efficacy is obtained puerperal gymnastics  value = 0,003 with a value of α = 0.05 and OR = 11.250, so  (0,003) <α (0.05), H0 is rejected means that there is a connection with the implementation of self-efficacy gymnastics parturition , OR = 11.250 11.250 times mean self-efficacy determine the implementation of puerperal gymnastics. Efforts to improve the implementation of gymnastics parturition through the elimination of postpartum blues and increase self-efficacy should be integrated in the ANC, INC, to PNC. Keywords : Postpartum Blues, Self-Efficacy, The Implementation Of Puerperal Gymnastics

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