
Nutrients have strong relationship with health and intelligence as well as development of the children. If the dietary habit is not reached perfectly, it can disturb the future growth. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between dietary habits to the nutritional status of pre-school children in PAUD Tunas Mulya Claket Village Pacet Mojokerto.This study was used correlation analytic design with cross sectional approach. The populations were all mothers and preschool children in PAUD Tunas MulyaClaket Village Pacet Mojokerto as amount 17 children. The sampling technique was used total sampling. The results of this study were suggested that most of preschoolers had good dietary habits those were11 children (64.7% of respondents), and almost all preschool children had normal nutritional status those were13 children (76.4% of respondents).From 6 respondentswho had not good dietary habits, no one (0%) had overweight nutritional status, and9 respondents (81.8%) had good dietaryhabits, they had normal nutritional status.The data analysis was used Spearman's rho test with ρ value (0.038) <α (0.05) so that H0 rejected and H1 accepted means that there was relationship between dietary habits and nutritional status of preschool children in PAUD Tunas Mulya Claket Village Pacet Mojokerto. Nutritional status was determined by the adequacy of the food and the ability of the body that contain the nutrients necessary for health so that needed good diet to get the normal nutritional status. Health workers must monitor children's nutrition through IHC.


  • ABSTRAK Masalah kesehatan dan sosial yang dihadapi Indonesia adalah rendahnya status gizi masyarakat

  • Dari 6 responden yang mempunyai pola makan kurang baik, tidak satupun (0%) responden yang status gizinya gemuk dan 9 responden (81,8%) yang mempunyai pola makan baik, status gizinya normal

  • Tabulasi silang pola makan dengan status gizi anak menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 responden yang mempunyai pola makan kurang baik, tidak satupun (0%) responden yang status gizinya gemuk

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Tabulasi silang pola makan dengan status gizi anak menunjukkan bahwa dari 6 responden yang mempunyai pola makan kurang baik, tidak satupun (0%) responden yang status gizinya gemuk. Sedangkan dari 11 responden yang pola makannya baik sebagian besar yaitu 9 responden (81,8%) yang mempunyai status gizi normal, 2 responden status gizinya gemuk dan tidak ada (0%) responden yang status gizinya kurus. Dari hasil uji statistic Spearman’s rho di dapatkan p value = 0,038 dengan tingkat signifikasi ά = 0,05 artinya ada hubungan antara pola makan dengan status gizi anak usia prasekolah di PAUD Tunas Mulia Desa Claket Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto

Hubungan Pola Makan dengan Status Gizi Anak Usia Prasekolah
Status Gizi Anak
Hubungan Pola Makan Dengan Status Gizi Anak
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