
This study aims to determine the relationship of the role of fathers with self-determination, the relationship of peer social support with self-determination, and the relationship between the role of fathers and peer social support with self-determination in adolescent drug addicts. The population in this study were adolescent drug addicts in Medan Plus Addiction Recovery Clinic. A sample of 54 teenagers were taken by purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a scale of self-determination, the scale of the role of fathers and the scale of peer social support. The results of multiple regression analysis showed a Freg value of 11,071 with p = 0,000 (p 0,005), which indicated that there was a significant relationship between self-determination and the role of fathers with peer social support. Partially, there is a relationship between self-determination with the role of father rxy = 0.543 with p 0.01, and there is a relationship between social support of peers with self-determination rxy = 0.384 with p 0.01. R2 value of 0.303 means the role of fathers and social support of peers together make an effective contribution of 30.3% of self-determination.


  • Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peran ayah dengan determinasi diri, hubungan dukungan sosial teman sebaya dengan determinasi diri, dan hubungan antara peran ayah dan dukungan sosial teman sebaya dengan determinasi diri pada remaja pecandu narkoba

  • This study aims to determine the relationship of the role of fathers with self-determination, the relationship of peer social support with self-determination, and the relationship between the role of fathers and peer social support with self-determination in adolescent drug addicts

  • Zuraida, Kaiman T, Sri S, (2015), Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dan Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan

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Plus Addiction Recovery Clinic

Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja pecandu narkoba di Klinik Pemulihan Adiksi Medan Plus. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah skala determinasi diri, skala peran ayah dan skala dukungan sosial teman sebaya. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan nilai Freg sebesar 11,071 dengan p = 0,000 (p

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