
Introduction: The risk of shivering is higher if the duration of surgery is longer, because it will increase the time of exposure to the body with cold temperatures and the accumulation of side effects of spinal anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of surgical duration and shivering event of surgical patients with spinal anesthesia in surgical suite of Nganjuk General Hospital. Methods: The design of this study was correlation with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted on August 13-20 2018, at surgical suite of Nganjuk General Hospital. The population was all surgical patients with spinal anesthesia in the Operating Room of Nganjuk General Hospital during on August 13-20 2018, as many as 27 patients. Samples were taken by total sampling technique and obtained a total sample of 27 respondents. The independent variable was surgical duration and the dependent variable was the shivering event. This research instruments were check list sheet and medical record data. Data was analyzed using Coefficient Contingency test with α = 0.05. Results: The results showed that surgical duration in surgical suite of Nganjuk General Hospital, almost half the duration was in middle level (31-60 minutes) as many as 13 respondents (48.1%). Shivering event in the Operating Room of Nganjuk General Hospital, almost half of them were in grade 3 as many as 12 respondents (44.4%). The results of the Coefficient Contingency test showed p-value of 0.002 ≤ α (0.05). So that it can be concluded that Ha was accepted, meaning that there was a relationship between the surgical duration and shivering event of surgical patients with spinal anesthesia in surgical suite of Nganjuk General Hospital. Conslusions: The longer of surgical duration carried out by respondents in the surgical suite of Nganjuk Hospital, the greater the risk of the respondent experiencing shivering events. Conversely, the of shorter surgical duration undertaken by respondents in the surgical suite of Nganjuk General Hospital, the smaller the risk of the respondent experiencing shivering. Keywords: Surgical Duration, Shivering Event, Surgical Patient, Spinal Anesthesia.

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