
This thesis entitled Relationship Quality Services with Customer Satisfaction in the PT. Pawnshop Branch Services Unit Sindanglaut Cirebon regency . The problem in this study is less customer satisfaction, the problem is caused by the lack of optimal quality of service. The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship of service quality with customer satisfaction at PT. Sindanglaut Pawnshop Branch Services Unit. The research hypothesis is that the authors propose There is a positive and significant relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction in the PT. Pawnshop Branch Services Unit Sindanglaut Cirebon regency . Hypothesis statistics ie, Ho (null hypothesis) = rs count ≤ r ¬ s table (no positive and significant relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction) and Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) = rs count ≥ rs table (there is a positive and significant relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction). The method that I use in this paper is a survey method, survey method is research on small and large populations, but the data is studied data from samples taken from the population, while according to the level of explanation that the authors use in research is associative (relationship) , correlational method to find the relationship between the variables x (quality of service) with variable y (customer satisfaction). Data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis (data in the form of numbers or a formula statstik as data processing), and hypothesis testing using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient formula. The population in this research were 124 respondents sampling using the formula according to Burhan Bungin with precision of 10%, so the obtained samples totaling 55 respondents. Sampling techniques using simple random sampling, simple random sampling is a technique by random sampling without regard to the existing strata in the population is homogeneous in certain respects. Based on the results obtained that, the variable quality of service PT. Pawnshop Branch Services Unit Sindanglaut good enough, but not optimal. As can be seen from the success of its implementation which achieved 58% with a total score of 3867. Customer satisfaction variables in PT. Pawnshop Branch Services Unit Sindanglaut Cirebon regency was pretty good at the interval level. This is evident from the total score of 1951 or 59%. The relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction in the PT. Pawnshop Branch Services Unit Sindanglaut Cirebon District is significant, because the value of rs rs count greater than 0.743 ≥ 0.265 the table. Thus, the authors propose the hypothesis thoroughly tested and accepted (Ha) and Ho (rejected).

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