
ABSTRACTWater is a source of life , as media in addition to the transmission of disease .Infectious disease covering: typhoid epidemics , cholera , diarrhea and hepatitis .The existence of bacteria in the water caused by several factors includes: construction wells and behavior .This research aims to explain several factors that deals with water quality bakteriologis a well in the heartland , assessing constructed wells the influence of the most influential against fecal coliform content water wells dug , influence behaviorassessing the wearer of a well in practice against the content of fecal coliform water wells dug and give advice / input the environmental management in development physical building a well and knowingsource pollution dominan.jenis research that is done is research observation with the design of cross sectional. This research using purposive , proportional , and random sampling ( multistate ), links between construction well dig and behavior in discharging well dig in the form of action with fecal coliform .The research results show that the correlation between construction well dig with fecal coliform p value = 0,000 this showed that the physical condition of well have leverage a significant impact on fecal content coliform in water well dig , while the correlation between behavior by fecal coliform indicated a significant relation ( p value = 0,011 )

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