
ABSTRACTRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AGRICULTURAL EXTENTION TASK EFFORTS AND BEEF CATTLE HOUSEHOLD FARMER SUCCCESS AT KWANDANG DISTRICT OF NORTH GORONTALO REGENCY. On basis of the ratio between total of villages and total of agricultural extension officers (AEO), meaning each AEO worked one village, the system of the AEO should run smoothly. Based on the initial survey, it showed that task effort of the AEO at several villages of Kwandang district, indicated minimum task effort by the AEO. Low task effort affected productivity success of beef cattle household farmers indicating it should be improved. The objective of this study was to evaluate the task effort of the AEO, the success of beef cattle household farmers, and to analyze the relationship between the AEO and beef cattle household success at Kwandang district of North Gorontalo regency. The purposive sampling method was applied in this study involving four villages of Ombulodata, Alata Karya, and Posso. The household respondents were choosed based on stratified random sampling of the total population of all household farmers at each village using Slovin formula, completed by the AEO working at the sample villages. Variable measurements were applied using Liker scale.The relationship between the AEO and beef cattle household success was tested using Spearman correlation coefficient test. Results showed that task effort of the AEO was included into good category with the percentage of 96.67 percents. The household success was also included into good category with the percentages of 57.58 percents. In addition, there was strong relationship between task effort and beef cattle household success with the correlation value of 0.6942 indicated by z-calculated of 3.9269 > z-table of 1.960. Therefore, it can be concluded that the task effort of the AEO and beef cattle household farmer success were categorized into good condition indicated by strong relationship between those two variables at Kwandang district of North Gorontalo regency.Keywords : AEO Performance, Succes of Beef Cattle Ranchers

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