
In the learning process that occurs in SMP Negeri 1 Banyuasin III, making students not accustomed to completing the tasks obtained by their own efforts because the occurrence of this process of learning independence is the lack of willingness in students to learn more actively and focus on the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning independence and learning outcomes of Grade VII students in Islamic Religion Education subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Banyuasin III.
 This type of research is quantitative research. The object of the informants in this study are the principal, Islamic Religious Education teachers and students of SMP Negeri 1 Banyuasin III. The type of data used is the type of quantitative data. There are two sources of data used, namely primary data obtained from principals, teachers and students, and secondary data derived from documents and literature that support this research. The data collection techniques in the form of observation, questionnaires and documentation. Then do the analysis using statistical analysis, namely the product moment correlation formula (Pearson)
 The results of this study with the known product moment correlation value is 0.552 and consulted with the "r" product moment tab turns out that the price is greater than the level of 5% or 1% (0.374 <0.552> 0.478). With this the Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted and Ho (the null hypothesis) is rejected so that it is concluded that there is a relationship of learning independence with the learning outcomes of Grade VII students in Islamic Religious Education subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Banyuasin III, therefore Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected so prevailing hypothesis that reads there is a relationship of learning independence with student learning outcomes in class VII on Islamic Religious Education subjects at SMP Negeri 1 Banyuasin III.

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