
Relationship of aceh cattle using displacement-loop regionABSTRACT. The aims of this study were to describe relationship of D-loop of mtDNA Aceh cattle which is useful database for conducting conservation programme. The whole blood samples were collected (8 samples for D-loop analysis) from four locations which were Aceh Besar, Pidie, North Aceh regencies and Banda Aceh city. Out group whole blood samples were collected from two samples from Bali cattles (Bali Island), Madura cattle (Madura Island), Pesisir cattle (West Sumatera) respectively and one sample from PO cattle (West Java). Amplification of D-loop sequences of mtDNA with BIDLF and BIDLR primary have PCR product 980 bp. The Data were analyzed using Squint 1.02 and MEGA 4.0 programme. Result of analysis indicate that Aceh cattle have nearer relationship with zebu and there is items inset of genetik Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) at the end sequences start ke-354 situs up to 483, so that the origin Aceh cattle was from Bos indicus which have hybridization with Bos javanicus.


  • Out group whole blood samples were collected from two samples from Bali cattles

  • Result of analysis indicate that Aceh cattle have nearer relationship

  • so that the origin Aceh cattle was from Bos indicus which have hybridization with Bos javanicus

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Materi Penelitian Penelitian ini meggunakan sapi Aceh di empat lokasi di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam yang meliputi Kota Banda Aceh, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Pidie dan Aceh Utara. Bali, Madura, PO dan Pesisir dilakukan dengan menggunakan pasangan primer BIDLF dan BIDLR hasil desain sendiri berdasarkan basa sekuens Bos indicus. Analisis keragaman runutan nukleotida dilakukan setelah runutan DNA sapi Aceh, Bali, Madura, PO dan Pesisir disejajarkan dengan acuan utama pada runutan nukleotida sapi Bos indicus (Nellore) dari GenBank (kode akses AY126697). Apabila dibandingkan dendogram filogeni daerah D-loop mtDNA parsial (479 bp) hasil penelitian ini dengan dendogram filogeni gen cytochrome-b mtDNA parsial (420 bp) yang diambil dari data GenBank, maka dapat diketahui bahwa posisi sapi Bali sangat dekat dan berada satu klaster dengan Banteng (Bos javanicus) (Gambar 4). Sapi Bali memiliki persamaan susunan basa nukleotida sebesar 99,76% dengan Banteng, namun sapi asli Indonesia yang tidak jelas disebutkan bangsa dan sumber pengambilan sampelnya masuk ke dalam klaster Bos indicus, berbeda dengan pengelompokan sapi Aceh, PO dan Pesisir dari analisis D-loop dalam penelitian ini. Membentuk pohon filogeni dari gen cytochrome-b, juga telah diambil sekuens Bos indicus (Nellore, kode akses AY126697; Miretti et al 2002) dan Bos taurus (Simmental, kode akses AY521055) dari GenBank

Simmental Bali
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