
Infectious diseases (ARI/Acute Respiratory Infection) that repeatedly cause children's health to increase in the pattern of children's appetite which can lead to less nutritional status of children. This study was to analyze the relationship between the incidence of stunting and the frequency and duration of ARI in children under five in the Kenjeran Health Center Surabaya Working Area.
 Analytical research design with cross sectional design in 4 villages between Kenjeran Village, Bulak Village, Kedung Cowek Village, and Sukolilo Village. Data retrieval is done by questionnaire sheet and observation using microtoise, sample technique uses Sampling Probability by using Stratified Random Sampling as many as 152 children.
 The results of research on children under five who experience the incidence of stunting with the frequency and duration of ARI indicate children who experience stunting and longer frequency. The Rho Spearmen Test showed differences in the incidence of stunting with the frequency of ARI frequency p = 0.001 (p<? = 0, 05), the duration of ARI p = 0.001 (p<? = 0.05).
 The implication of this study is that stunting is related to the frequency and duration of ARI, so that posyandu activities can add counseling about children's health that requires the treatment of ARI in children under five in the Kenjeran Health Center Surabaya.
 Keywords: Stunting incidence, frequency, duration, ARI/Acute Respiratory Infection
 Penyakit infeksi (ISPA) yang berulang menyebabkan kondisi kesehatan anak menurun sehingga berdampak pada pola nafsu makan anak yang dapat menyebabkan status gizi anak kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kejadian stunting dengan frekuensi dan durasi penyakit diare dan ISPA pada anak usia toddler di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya.
 Desain penelitian analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional pada 4 Kelurahan antara lain Kelurahan Kenjeran, Kelurahan Bulak, Kelurahan Kedung Cowek, dan Kelurahan Sukolilo. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan lembar kuisioner dan observasi menggunakan microtoise, teknik sampel menggunakan Probability Sampling dengan menggunakan Stratified Random Sampling sebanyak 152 anak.
 Hasil penelitian bahwa anak toddler yang mengalami kejadian stunting dengan frekuensi dan durasi penyakit ISPA menunjukkan anak yang stunting memiliki frekuensi dan durasi lebih lama. Uji Spearmen Rho menunjukkan adanya hubungan kejadian stunting dengan frekuensi ISPA p=0.001 (?=0.05), durasi ISPA p=0.001 (?=0.05).
 Implikasi penelitian ini adalah kejadian stunting berhubungan dengan frekuensi dan durasi penyakit ISPA, sehingga kegiatan posyandu dapat menambahkan penyuluhan tentang kesehatan anak terutama penanganan pertama penyakit ISPA pada anak toddler di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya.
 Kata kunci: Kejadian Stunting, Frekuensi, Durasi, Penyakit ISPA

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