
Acne usually occurs more often in men than women in their teens, but with increasing age, acne is more common in women. Acne vulgaris is called multifactor, which is caused by many factors including climate, cleanliness, cosmetic use, psychological or fatigue, age, race, food, gender and genetic which can indirectly spur an increase in the process of pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Hygiene of facial skin is important in supporting the success of cleaning and treating acne vulgaris. The objective of the research to determine the relationship of facial skin hygiene with the emergence of acne vulgaris in Students of Beauty Vocational School in Padang City. This type of research is a descriptive correlational methode. This research was conducted in October 2018 at SMK Negeri 6 and SMK Negeri 7 Padang. The population in this study were students of Beauty Vocational at SMK Negerti 6 and SMK Negeri 7 Padang. Sampling using Slovin formula. Data analysis techniques are using product moment correlation analysis. The results of the analysis show that the average level of facial skin hygiene of SMK students in Padang City 's Beauty System is 83.09 with the most frequency distribution in the good category as many as 46 people (60.5%). The average incidence of facial skin acne vulgaris students of the Vocational School of Beauty in Padang City obtained an average value with the most frequency distribution in the light category as many as 51 people (67.1%). There is a significant negative correlation between facial skin hygiene and the emergence of student acne vulgaris (r= - 0.407 and t= 3.83).


  • Akne atau jerawat adalah masalah kulit berupa infeksi dan peradangan pada folikel pilosebasia (Fulton, 2009)

  • The results of the analysis show that the average level of facial skin hygiene of SMK students in Padang City 's Beauty System is 83.09 with the most frequency distribution in the good category as many as 46 people (60.5%)

  • Selain syarat menyelesaikan pendidikan juga merupakan pengalaman penulis untuk mencaritahu tentang masalah kebersihan kulit wajah dengan akne vulgaris yang masih banyak terjadi dikalangan remaja lebih tepatnya siswa SMK

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Akne atau jerawat adalah masalah kulit berupa infeksi dan peradangan pada folikel pilosebasia (Fulton, 2009). Berdasarkan uraian diatas maka penulis tertarik untuk meneliti hubungan antara kebersihan kulit wajah dengan timbulnya akne vulgaris pada siswa SMK Tata Kecantikan di Kota Padang lebih tepatnya di SMKN 6 Padang dan SMK N 7 Padang. Tabel 1 menggambarkan distribusi frekuensi kebersihan kulit wajah siswa SMK Tata Kecantikan Kota Padang dari 76 orang sampel adalah sebanyak 4 orang (5.3%) pada kategori sangat baik, sebanyak 46 orang (60.5%) pada kategori baik, sebanyak 24 orang (31.6%) pada kategori cukup baik dan sebanyak 2 orang (2.6%) pada kurang baik.

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