
Turnover intention is a desire of a person to resign from their job. Career path is one of the factors causing turnover intention. Career path is low and does not clearly influence nurses to make turnover intension. This study aimed to determine the correlation between nurses' career path and turnover intention. The study used a cross-sectional correlation design with a total sampling technique of 45 respondents. Data processing used Spearman Coefficient of Correlation method. The career path of nurses at BIMC Siloam Nusa Dua was PK I = 22 people, PK II = 16 people, and PK III = 7 people. The number of nurses who wanted to make a turnover intention was 60%. Statistical test results p- value = 0,000 which shows there was a correlation between nurses' career levels with turnover intention and the value of r = -0.606 indicates the higher the career path of nurses, the nurse's turnover intention is low. RSK Bedah BIMC Siloam Nusa Dua should provide a clearer career path to prevent turnover intention.


  • Turnover intention adalah keinginan seorang untuk mengundurkan diri dari pekerjaan mereka

  • Turnover intention is a desire of a person to resign from

  • This study aimed to determine the correlation between nurses'career path and turnover intention

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Berdasarkan table di atas dapat diketahui jenjang karir didapatkan data jenjang karir PKI sebanyak 22orang perawat pelaksana diRSK Bedah BIMC Siloam Nusa (48,9%), PK II sebanyak 16 orang (35,6%) dan PKIII. Dua terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu PKI sebanyak 22 orang sebanyak 7 orang(15,6%). Peningkatan jenjang dengan persentase 48,9%, PKII sebanyak[16] orang karirperawat klinis yang lebih tinggi dirumah sakit dengan persentase 35,6 % dan PKIII sebanyak 7 orang harus melalui pengembangan profesional dengan persentase15,6%. Berkelanjutan dan pengakuan terhadap kemampuan yang didasarkan kepada pengalaman kerja dan. Tabel Turnover Intention Perawat Pelaksana di RSK kinerja praktik keperawatan, serta memenuhi

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Corr elati on Coef ficie nt
Predictors Of Success and Turnover Intention
The International Journal of Human Resource
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