
Background: The problem of nutritional status is closely related to a person's quality of life. Because if someone can achieve a good quality of life, then his life will lead to prosperity. Quality of life is the result of a person's benchmark in health status which is influenced by social, economic and cultural backgrounds. A good quality of life can direct us to opportunities to be free from various diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Methods: This study took an observational analytic research design with an approach cross sectional. This research was conducted at the Puskesmas Botania Batam in August 2023. The sample in this study was 60 respondents. By sampling technique is the accidental sampling. To find out the relationship between Body Mass Index and Quality of Life, the data analysis used was a test Pearson Chi Square. Results: Out of a total of 60 respondents, the majority of respondents had obesity BMI I as many as 21 respondents (34%), and the least number was obesity BMI II as many as 4 respondents (7%). Respondents with a good quality of life were 27 respondents (45%), while those with a bad quality of life were 33 respondents (55%). QThere is a relationship between Body Mass Index and Quality of Life with a p value of 0.002 (p <0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the higher/lower a person's BMI, the poorer their quality of life is.

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