
The teaching style of the teacher discussed in this study is the Grasha Teaching Style. The sample consists of 136 forms four students in five secondary schools in Bagan Datuk, Perak. All data or details are collected and analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.0. The study is exercising a descriptive statistic in order to examine teaching styles which are mostly practised by teachers, the type of teaching style most desirable among the students and also their attitude towards the Business subject. Meanwhile, by using an inference statistic, the collected data will also be analysed by using Pearson correlation. The findings show that the teaching style of Business teacher that is most popular by the students is the facilitator's teaching style followed by the personal style and the style of the delegator. While the most popular teaching style practiced by the Business subject teachers is the style of the delegator, followed by the facilitator style and the personal model style. Student attitude towards the Business subject is moderately positive. The result of the Pearson correlation test showed that the value of r = 0.669, p = 0.000 which is a strong correlation between the teacher 's teaching style and the attitude of the students towards the business subject. The combination of facilitator style and personal model style is seen as the ideal teaching style for realizing student-centered learning and project-based learning. The implications of the findings can be used to provide guidance to teachers in schools to carry out the teaching and learning process more effectively. Based on this study, several suggestions have been proposed to improve the quality of teachers' teaching as well as the achievement of students in this subject.

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