
<p><em>Many shopping centers try to create an environment that makes consumers feel comfortable when they do shopping. Hedonic shopping motivation relates to contentment and enjoyment by shopping experience, it creates happiness feeling. Hedonic shopping motivation can not be separated from the role of culture in the society. This research aimed to know the relationship between individualist-collective culture with hedonic shopping motivation among people in Jakarta. The research used non ecperimental quantitative research. The data was collected by distributing hedonic shopping motivation and individualist-collective culture questionnaire. Total respondents in this research were 134 people. The results revealed collective culture (mean= 18.33) has higher mean rather than individualist culture (mean= 17.29). Statistic analysis with Spearman Coorelation, r= 0.187 ad p= 0.031 < 0.05. Meanwhile, individualistic culture showed no coorelation with hedonic shopping motivation, r= 0.164 and p= 0.059 >0.05. Collective culture also had significant relationship with role shopping (r= 0.241, p= 0.005), social shopping (r=0.179, p= 0.038) and value shopping (r= 0.241, p= 0.042). The research concluded people in Jakarta tend to have collective culture. There was a relationsip between collective culture and hedonic shopping motivation, especially role shopping, social shopping dan value shopping.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Culture, Collective Culture, Individualistic Culture</em></p>


  • ABSTRAK Tempat- tempat perbelanjaan berusaha untuk menciptakan suasana agar konsumen betah berbelanja

  • The results revealed collective culture (mean= 18.33) has higher mean rather than individualist culture (mean= 17.29)

  • The influence of hedonic shopping motivation on buying decision with gender as dummy variable (A study on consumers at the Hardy’ Mall Singaraja, Buleleng Regency, Indonesia)

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Budaya Individualis-Kolektif

Budaya memberikan dampak besar terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan individu, belajar dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Budaya individualis-kolektif terbagi menjadi dua yaitu horizontal dan vertikal berdasarkan keyakinan individu akan kesetaraan/ ketidaksetaraan antar anggota yang berada di dalam suatu kelompok budaya. Budaya individualis-kolektif dengan horizontal-vertikal menjadi kombinasi yang menghasilkan empat konstruk yaitu: 1. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mencakup dua instrument yaitu skala pengukuran budaya individualis kolektif dan skala motivasi belanja berdasarkan kesenangan. Skala pengukuran individualis dan kolektif yang digunakan adalah “A reduced version of the horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism scale” yang dimodifikasi dari Sivadas, Bruvold, Nelson (2007). Hasil uji validitas untuk alat ukur motivasi berbelanja hedonik diperoleh butir valid sebanyak 21 butir dari 24 butir dengan rentang validitas 0.347-0.748 dan reliabilitas sebesar 0.912. Pada alat ukur budaya individualis- kolektif diperoleh butir valid sebanyak 10 butir dari 16 butir dengan reliabilitas sebesar 0.771 dan rentang validitas 0.304-0.618. Frekuensi berbelanja subjek per bulan, 1-4 kali sebanyak 92 subjek (25.4%), lebih dari 10 kali sebanyak 8 subjek (6%)

Nilai Rata-Rata dan Standar Deviasi Variabel Penelitian
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