
Facing the dynamics of global market share, companies are required to have a competitive advantage and be supported by important factors, namely utilizing technology and implementing innovation strategies to be able to create or maintain competitiveness, especially for manufacturing companies. This is also driven by measurable company performance, such as financial performance in several indicators, sales growth, and asset profit measurement, and sales returns. This research will be conducted using a systematic literature review on several research journals on innovation strategy and company performance, using a systematic literature review method. The search for these journals was carried out through electronic databases on several sites such as Mendeley, Elsevier/Sciencedirect, Research Gate, Semanticscholar and Wiley. The articles are searched using Booelan Technique with the keywords used are Innovation and Performance. The dominant methods emerging by researchers to examine the relationship between innovation strategy and firm performance are Regression Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study indicate that process innovation and product innovation have a direct influence on company performance. Process innovation and product innovation are those that are considered the most appropriate and have the strongest relationship to financial performance in manufacturing companies.

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