
Human resources are important in a company. Companies generally employ employees according to their respective capacities. Being an employee requires someone to adapt in the workplace, because they are sometimes placed in various divisions that require cooperation and good relationships with other people. However, workplace bullying also often occurs by co-workers or other seniors, so this is an important thing that must also be paid attention to, because it can hinder many things, including the performance of employees who experience this. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-esteem and workplace bullying among PT. Cahaya Murni Andalas Padang. The independent variable in this study is self-esteem while the dependent variable is workplace bullying. The measuring tools used in this study are the self-esteem scale and the workplace bullying scale. The sampling technique in this study used a saturated sampling technique. The sample in this study were 108 employees of PT. Cahaya Murni Andalas Padang. Test the validity and reliability in this study using Alpha Cronbach technique. The results of the validity coefficient on the self-esteem scale move from rix=0.327 to rix=0.783 with a reliability coefficient value of α=0.914 while the results of the validity coefficient on the workplace bullying scale move from rix=0.393 to rix =0.782 with a reliability coefficient value of α=0.927. Based on data analysis, a correlation value of -0.663 was obtained with a significance level of 0.000, which means that the hypothesis is accepted. This shows that there is a strong and significant relationship between self-esteem and workplace bullying among PT. Cahaya Murni Andalas Padang.

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