
Arm muscle power with the ability to repel a force bullet, see the relationship of back flexibility with the ability to repel a force bullet or a toad, see the relationship of arm strength with the ability to shoot a force or shoot a bullet and see the relationship between arm muscle strength, back flexibility and arm muscle strength with the ability to repel a force bullet or punch. The research approach used by researchers is quantitative, this study uses research techniques (methods), where the technique is in research that aims to see the relationship between 3 or more variables. Initiation of data techniques using practice tests to find the relationship between the independent variables and the research variables. The results of this study aim to see the significant relationship between Arm Muscle Strength, Flexibility and Arm Muscle Strength with the ability to Repel Bullets in extracurricular bullet-repelling students at SMK PGRI 2 Kediri, the analysis results show that there is a significant relationship between Arm Muscle Strength and Bullet Repellent ability with a price or value of r x1.y = 0.936> r (0.05) (20) = 0.321, it means that it is not significant, the results of the analysis show that there is a significant relationship between Flexibility and the Ability to Repel Bullets with the price or value of r x1.y = 0.937> r (0.05) (20) = 0.321, which means that it does not mean significant, the results of the analysis show that a significant relationship between Arm Muscle Strength and the ability to Repel Bullets with a price or value of r x1.y = 0.938> r (0.05) ( 20) = 0.321, which means it is not significant and the results of the analysis show that there is a significant relationship between Arm Muscle Strength, Flexibility to Arm Muscle strength and ability an Bullet Reject with a price or value of r x1, x2, x3, .y = 0.975> r (0.05) (20) = 0.321, meaning that the coefficient is significant

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