
Breast feeding is giving milk to be drunk to the baby from the breast. Uterus involution is a process how the uterus return to the condition back, before pregnanting after bearing. At the moment of suckling, happens a stimulus and brings the hormones out, such as oksitosin uses not only to stimulate some muscles constraction but also to stimulate the uterus, so that the process of uterus involution happens foster. According to the explanations above, the research aimed to know about the correlation between breast feeding and uterus involution. This research’s design was, cross sectional by the population of all childbirth mothers approximately 50 persons / month. By using accidental sampling technique we got 21 sample respondents. The place of research in RSIA Aura Syifa in Kediri Regency on 16th until 22nd of June 2009. From this research’s result, we got 14 persons (66,67%) with normal uterus involution, suckled in a good way, one person (4,67%) with normal uterus involution, suckled in a wrong way, 2 persons (9,52%) with abnormal uterus involution, suckled in a good way and 4 persons (19,05%) with abnormal uterus involution, suckled in a wrong way. Statistic test which used chi-square test, counted the probability frequency in advance, from that we got 3 columns with the score, less than 5, so that chi-square can not be continued and by doing exact fisher test, the score was 0,001. Because P with the grade mistake 0,05 smaller, so the conclusion was “Ho” is rejected, it meant “there was correlation between suckling and uterus involution”. Key Word : Breast feeding, uterus involution


  • Breast feeding is giving milk to be drunk to the baby from the breast

  • Selain ambulasi menurut Abdul Bari Syaifuddin kurang istirahat akan mempengaruhi ibu dalam jumlah produksi ASI yang dikeluarkan dan memperlambat proses involusi uterus

  • Hormon ini merupakan salah satu hormon yang berperan dalam proses produksi ASI

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Menurut survey demografi kesehatan

Bayi yang mendapat ASI dalam kelahiran dan 8% bayi Indonesia yang mendapat ASI eksklusif 6 bulan. (Dinkes Kota Surabaya, 2008). Pada tahun 2009 AKI diharapkan menjadi 226 / 100.000 kelahiran hidup (Departemen Komunikasi dan Informasi Indonesia, 2007). Adapun penyebab umum perdarahan post partum adalah atonia uteri, retensi plasenta, sisa plasenta dan selaput ketuban, trauma jalan lahir, hematoma, inversi uterus, sub involusi uterus. Dari laporan Kematian ibu ( LKI ) selama tahun 1999 menunjukkan 20 Dati II di Jatim, menunjukkan AKI dibawah 100 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Selama tahun 1999 untuk tingkat Dati I Propinsi Jatim terdapat 566.712 kelahiran hidup, 3.473 lahir mati, 493 kematian ibu bersalin. Kejadian perdarahan bisa dikurangi dan resiko kematian bisa diperkecil jika ibu melakukan pemberian ASI dengan benar (Martin Leman, 2007). Karena dengan pemberian ASI yang baik keuntungan yang didapat ibu adalah bisa melepaskan oksitosin yang membantu involusi uterus dan mengendalikan perdarahan (Ima, 2008). Dua ibu nifas benar dalam cara menyusui dengan involusi uterus normal (TFU 2 jari di bawah pusat) dan tiga ibu nifas salah dalam menyusui dengan involusi uterus normal (TFU 2 jari di bawah pusat)

Variabel Penelitian
Teknik Analisa Data
Etika Penelitian
Involusi Uterus Dari data penelitian di RSIA Aura
Normal Tidak
Pembahasan Menyusui
Hubungan antara Menyusui dengan Involusi Uterus
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