
Abstract Toddlers is the age group that is most vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies and is considered a nutritional vulnerable group. This research was done using a correlative association approach, beinga survey research concerning the correlation between research variables and confirming the proposed hypothesis. The population of this research was all outpatient mothers with toddlersin the polyclinic of Puskesmas Hinai Kiri (Hinai Kiri Public Health Center) Kecamatan Secanggang Kabupaten Langkat numbering 54 people, with accidental sampling technique. From the univariate analysis result was found that 33 mothers (61,1%) have high knowledge,29 mothers (53,7%) were from the old age group, 33 mothers have high education (61,1%) and 32 mothers (59,3%) being unemployed with 28 mothers (51,9%) have high number of children, 28 mothers (51,9%) from a low family income group, and 38 mothers (70,4%) have good toddler nutrition status. From the bivariate analysis result using chi squaretest (CI 95% and a= 0,05) was found that the correlation between knowledge and toddler nutrition statsus is (p- value = 0,009), the correlation between age and toddler nutrition status is (p-value = 0.039), the correlation between education and toddler nutrition status is (p-value = 0,003), the correlation between occupation and toddler nutrition status is (p-value= 0,045), the correlation between income and toddler nutrition status is ( P –Value = 0,002), and the correlation between number of childern and toddler nutrition status is (P-Value= 0,003). Keyword(s) : Toddler nutrition


  • Toddlers is the age group that is most vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies and is considered a nutritional vulnerable group

  • From the univariate analysis result was found that 33 mothers (61,1%) have high knowledge,29 mothers (53,7%) were from the old age group, 33 mothers have high education (61,1%) and 32 mothers (59,3%) being unemployed with 28 mothers (51,9%) have high number of children, 28 mothers (51,9%) from a low family income group, and 38 mothers (70,4%) have good toddler nutrition status

  • Kandungan dan Keluarga Berencana untukPendidikan Bidan. Jakarta: EGC. Profil Kesehatan (2017) Profil Kesehatan Langkat. Available at: https://docplayer.info/123141703-Profilkesehatan-kabupaten-langkat-tahun- 2017.html (Accessed: 12 September 2020). Supariasa (2012) Penilaian Status Gizi. Jakarta: EGC

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Kecamatan Secanggang Kabupaten

Dari tabel 1 menunjukkan mayoritas pengetahuan responden tinggi sebanyak 33 orang (61,1%) dan pengetahuan rendah sebanyak 21 orang (38,9%). Tabel 2 Distribusi Frekuensi Umur Responden dii Puskesmas Hinai (Arnof Yerni, et al, 2021). Dari tabel 2 menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas umur responden adalah muda sebanyak 29 orang (53,7%) dan umur tua sebanyak 25 orang (46,3%). Dari tabel 3 menunjukkan pendidikan responden yang didapatkan a dalah tinggi sebanyak 33 orang (61,1%), yang pendidikan rendah sebanyak 21 orang (38,9%)

Tidak Bekerja
Status Gizi
PVal OR ue
Dari tabel tersebut Variabel umur
Pendidik an
PVa lue
Hubungan Pendidikan Ibu Dengan Status Gizi Balita
Hubungan Jumlah Anak Yang Dimiliki Ibu Dengan Status Gizi Balita
Daftar Pustaka
Kandungan dan Keluarga Berencana untuk
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